Professional groups

In the late 1980s Architects Against Apartheid drew architects and planners into anti-apartheid campaigns and showed how the apartheid system was reflected in the built environment. It supported architects within South Africa in trying to change the policies of the Institute of South African Architects (ISAA).

From its formation in 1978 the Anti-Apartheid Health Committee exposed the impact of apartheid on the health and well-being of black South Africans. This leaflet was widely distributed among health professionals and National Health Service workers in Britain.

Lawyers Against Apartheid was formed in December 1986 and held its inaugural meeting in April 1987. The group campaigned against the abuse of the laws by the apartheid regime. It gave advice to anti-apartheid activists who fell foul of the law in Britain. Left to right: Willem van Manen, Martin Mabiletsa (ANC), Geoffrey Bindman, Lord Gifford, Bience Gawanas (SWAPO), Adrienne Barnett.

Lawyers Against Apartheid was set up in December 1986 to expose the abuse of the law in South Africa and the travesties of justice in many political trials. This leaflet advertised its inaugural public meeting, held in April 1987, attended by over 200 people. At the meeting Geoffrey Bindman reported on his recent visit to South Africa, where he observed several high profile political trials. The meeting launched a petition calling for sanctions against South Africa and sent a message to the newly formed South African Democratic Lawyers Association.

Petition launched at Lawyers Against Apartheid’s inaugural public meeting on 30 April 1987. The petition declared that South Africa’s legal system violated principles of natural justice and asked the British government to impose sanctions against South Africa.

The first issue of Lawyers Against Apartheid’s Bulletin outlined the main planks of South Africa’s repressive legislation and exposed the illegality of the interim government set up by the apartheid regime in Namibia. It also publicised its guide to the impact of the new British Public Order Act on anti-apartheid protests in Britain.

This poster advertised an international conference held in Harare, Zimbabwe on September 1987 about ‘Children, Repression and the Law in Apartheid South Africa’. The conference brought together representatives of international anti-apartheid movements and activists from within South Africa. They heard testimony from children who had been detained by the South African security forces. The British delegates later formed the Harare Working Group, which organised a conference at City University, London, attended by 700 people. Participants formed groups such as Teachers against Apartheid, Social Workers against Apartheid and Youth & Community Workers against Apartheid.

In September 1987 a conference in Harare heard testimony from children who had been tortured by the South African security forces. Over 200 health workers, lawyers, social workers and representatives of student, trade union, religious and women’s organisations from 45 countries met children living in South Africa and the frontline states. This pamphlet told some of the children’s stories and appealed for support for the Trevor Huddleston Children’s Fund.