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Early in 1989 more than 300 South African detainees went on hunger strike in protest against their detention without trial. Altogether over 1,000 people were held without charge, some of them for over two years. AAM and ANC supporters held a solidarity vigil outside South Africa House and Southern Africa the Imprisoned Society asked British Foreign Office Minister Lynda Chalker to tell the South African ambassador that his government must release the detainees.

Early in 1989 more than 300 South African detainees went on hunger strike in protest against their detention without trial. Altogether over 1,000 people were held without charge, some of them for over two years. The ANC held a solidarity vigil outside South Africa House and Southern Africa the Imprisoned Society asked British Foreign Office Minister Lynda Chalker to tell the South African ambassador that his government must release the detainees. 

This Africa Liberation Day celebration was the first public event held by the AAM’s Black and Ethnic Minorities Committee. The highlight of the evening was a speech by Mozambican writer and FRELIMO activist Lina Magaia. A collection was made for the SWAPO Election Appeal Fund.

The Upington 14 were sentenced to death on 26 May 1989 because they were present at a demonstration during which a black policeman was killed. They included a 60-year old woman, Evenlyn de Bruin. After an international campaign for their release, the sentence was overturned in May 1991. This leaflet set out the background to the case.

Poster for the campaign to save the lives of the Upington 14. The 13 men and one woman were sentenced to death on 26 May 1989 because they were present during a demonstration during which a black policeman was killed. They included 60-year old Evelyn de Bruin. After an international campaign for their release, the sentence was overturned in May 1991.

The Upington 14 were sentenced to death on 26 May 1989 because they were present at a demonstration during which a black policeman was killed. They included a 60-year old woman, Evelyn de Bruin. After an international campaign for their release, the sentence was overturned in May 1991.

In the late 1980s the AAM joined with other European anti-apartheid organisations to co-ordinate pressure on the European Economic Community to impose targeted sanctions against South Africa. This manifesto was published in the run-up to the 1989 elections to the European Parliament. It called for a mandatory embargo on coal and agricultural imports from South Africa and a ban on bank loans and credit facilities.

The Upington 14 were sentenced to death on 26 May 1989 because they were present at a demonstration during which a black policeman was killed. They included a 60-year old woman, Evelyn de Bruin. Anti-apartheid supporters picketed the South African Embassy in London calling for clemency for the Upington 14. After an international campaign for their release, the sentence was overturned in May 1991.