
In 1979 political prisoners Tim Jenkin, Alex Moumbaris and Stephen Lee escaped from Pretoria Central Prison. This photograph shows the three with ANC representative Francis Meli at a press conference in London on 22 January 1980.

After Zimbabwean independence in 1980 the AAM stepped up its campaigns for an end to South Africa’s occupation of Namibia. This leaflet set out a comprehensive set of demands on the British government. It called for support for the South West Africa People’s Organisation (SWAPO), mandatory UN sanctions against South Africa, the release of Namibian political prisoners and the cancellation of Britain’s contract for Namibian uranium.

In 1979 South Africa tested a nuclear device in the south Atlantic Ocean. This report traced the development of South Africa’s nuclear capacity and showed how Western countries had helped create it.

Demonstrators outside the London headquarters of Fluor UK on 10 March 1980. Fluor was the British subsidiary of a US multinational that was bidding for a contract to build a new oil-from-coal plant for the South African state energy company SASOL. The picket was organised by End Loans to Southern Africa (ELTSA).

Poster advertising a rally on 17 April 1980 to celebrate the conclusion of the Lancaster House talks agreeing the settlement that led to one-person one-vote elections in Zimbabwe.

AAM supporters protested outside South Africa House in May 1980 on the second anniversary of the Kassinga massacre. They carried placards with the names of some of the 137 Namibians abducted from the Kassinga refugee camp in Angola by the South African Defence Force in May 1978. Over 600 Namibian refugees were massacred in the raid. Left to right: Labour MP Chris Mullin, Bishop Colin Winter and Labour MP Joan Lestor.

The AAM organised this conference in May 1980 to discuss action on South Africa and Namibia in the new situation created by the independence of Zimbabwe. It was attended by over 400 participants from student, trade union and church organisations. High on the agenda were campaigns to free Nelson Mandela and against Western nuclear collaboration with South Africa. The speakers included representatives of the ANC and SWAPO, Dan Smith from CND, Sam Ramsamy, Chair of the South African Non-Racial Olympic Committee (SANROC) and Brian Wood of the Namibia Support Committee.

After Zimbabwe achieved majority government in 1980, the AAM warned against any relaxation of attempts to end apartheid in South Africa and Namibia. This leaflet argued against British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s statement that there should be an end to the isolation of South Africa. Instead it called on  the British government to support UN mandatory economic sanctions against South Africa and for solidarity with the frontline states. The leaflet announced two weeks of intensive campaigning, 16–30 June 1980.