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In the first three years of F W Klerk’s presidency, at least 7,000 South Africans were killed in political violence perpetrated by the Inkatha Freedom Party and undercover forces. In its September 1992 Month of Action for Peace and Democracy, the AAM called on de Klerk to take measures to stop the killings.

TUC General Secretary Norman Willis with shopworkers leader Garfield Davies and Rodney Bickerstaffe, General Secretary of the public sector workers union NUPE, at the AAM’s stall at the 1992 TUC annual congress.

These women were part of the Europe-wide demonstration outside a meeting of European Community Foreign Ministers held at Brocket Hall, Hertfordshire on 12 September 1992. They asked the EC to press de Klerk to take measures to end the violence in South Africa, so that negotiations for a democratic constitution could go ahead.

In September 1992 the AAM asked its supporters to take part in a month of action to press the de Klerk government to agree to an interim government and constituent assembly. It called for the maintenance of international sanctions and boycotts.  On 1 September the London AA Committee picketed Sainsbury’s headquarters, because Sainsbury’s sourced its ‘own label’ wines from South Africa. During the month AAM supporters distributed thousands of leaflets outside supermarkets asking shoppers to boycott South African goods.

In September 1992, in the aftermath of the massacre at Boipatong, the AAM organised a month of events calling for international support for negotiations for peace and democracy in South Africa. It argued that the consumer boycott must continue until the apartheid government agreed to a democratic constitution. This leaflet advertised a picket of the head office of Sainsbury’s supermarket chain.

In October 1992 the civil war in Angola resumed when UNITA President Jonas Savimbi refused to accept the result of the UN-brokered elections, won by MPLA. The Angolan Emergency Campaign was set up by the AAM and the Mozambique Angola Committee to inform people in Britain of the situation in Angola.

At least 7,000 people died in political violence in South Africa between 1990 and 1992. Some of the most brutal attacks took place on trains carrying commuters from the Johannesburg townships. The killings were carried out by undercover units of the South African police and army and Zulu supporters of the Inkatha Freedom Party. The AAM distributed this leaflet at London train stations. It asked British commuters to press the British government to support an international peace monitoring group in South Africa.

Every year in the late 1980s and 1990s the AAM held a prize-winning raffle to help fund its campaigns. In the photo AAM Chair Bob Hughes MP draws the winning ticket in the 1992 raffle, with staff members Mamta Singh, Vanessa Eyre and Gerard Omasta-Milsom looking on. The AAM depended on fund-raising initiatives like this to pay for its campaigns. It received no government grants and no significant funding from grant-giving bodies.