
Poster publicising the international campaign to force Shell to withdraw from South Africa launched in 1987 by anti-apartheid organisations in the Netherlands, USA and Britain. The AAM called for a boycott of all Shell products and local AA groups picketed Shell garages all over Britain. Shell lost major contracts with local authorities and its annual general meeting on 11 May 1988 was disrupted by anti-apartheid activists. As a result of the campaign, Shell’s share of the UK petrol market fell by 6.6 per cent.

In the mid-1980s there was a big increase in the number of political prisoners sentenced to hang in South Africa. At least 36 people were condemned to death in 1985–87 and five of them were executed. SATIS co-ordinated a ‘No Apartheid Executions’ campaign, drawing in thousands of people who had never been involved in anti-apartheid activity. As a result of international action and campaigns inside South Africa, many survived on death row until they were reprieved as part of the negotiating process in the early 1990s.

In 1987 the AAM called for ‘people’s sanctions’ in response to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s determination to oppose all sanctions measures against South Africa. In March 1987 it organised a month of local action when local AA groups targeted British companies with a big stake in the South African economy, like Standard Chartered Bank and RTZ. The highlight of the month was the launch of the Boycott Shell campaign on 1 March. This poster was used by local AA groups to advertise events in their own localities.

Poster publicising a petition calling for the release of South African detainees launched in 1987. Altogether 30,000 South Africans were held in detention under the national State of Emergency imposed in June 1986. The petition was supported by the British Council of Churches and the TUC and was signed by a third of a million people in Britain. It was presented to the South African authorities, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and the UN Secretary-General on Human Rights Day, 10 December 1987.

The Peterborough Against Apartheid festival held in May 1987 featured British folk punk group ‘The Men they Couldn’t Hang’ and singer songwriter Rory McCloud, as well as stalls and speakers from the ANC and SWAPO. Over 1,000 people attended the festival, one of the most successful events ever held in the city. 

Poster for a folk concert to raise funds for the ANC and Nottingham Anti-Apartheid at Nottingham’s Trent Polytechnic Students Union in 1987.

Poster publicising the National Convention for Sanctions held on 27 June 1987. The convention was attended by delegates from over 250 organisations, including national trade unions, local councils and 61 local anti-apartheid groups. It was held in response to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s determination to oppose all sanctions measures against South Africa and was billed as ‘a people’s Parliament against apartheid’. The emphasis was on local action. 

Poster advertising a festival held at Finsbury Park, London to celebrate South Africa Women’s Day. The main speakers were American black activist Angela Davis and ANC Western Europe representative Ruth Mompati.